
Balancing privacy and isolation in agile spaces FLOW provides separation, sound absorption and privacy without isolation. Created with soft textures and neutral tones, it adds to a gentler, lighter, and more uplifting space. The natural materials and surfaces of ash and calico are customisable with an outer fabric that can be changed, removed, and easily cleaned. 

FLOW offers a system of interlinking sound absorbing baffles for creating defined workspaces while retaining a sense of flow through the space. It maintains human interaction, productivity and workplace morale so important in a satisfactory working environment while bringing volume levels down and adding calming tones and materials into the space.

As working and learning environments look to facilitate more user control over space configuration, FLOW can be an intuitive and simple way to define spaces and reduce acoustic and visual distractions. An alternative to fixed or cumbersome space division such as booths and meeting rooms, it enhances acoustic management and adaptability.




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